Get Back on Track with your 2020 Goals

Get Back on Track with your 2020 Goals

Hey team!

It’s February, and that means statistically speaking, most of us have already given up on our New Year’s Resolutions. But it’s okay to fall off the wagon. Remember why you made those goals in the first place. Why did you want to achieve them? What difference would they make in your life? How would they make you feel? It’s a long year, and it’s okay to fall off the wagon. When it comes to real, transformative life changes, you’ll get there so long as you don’t give up on yourself. Keep getting back up

Team Leadership begins, first and foremost, with Personal Leadership. You need to be a good role-model for your team. The way you do this is not by being perfect. You do this by being persistent. So go back and look at those things you were so inspired to do, whether that be a project, a career goal or a New Year’s resolution, and get back to it. Start today.

Good luck!

Check out this week’s Top Picks:

The Right Way to Delegate Tasks to Your Employees

Learn to delegate tasks in a way that inspires the individual, develops their skills, and strengthens trust and respect across your organization.

How to Plan and Chair Effective Team Meetings

In this article, I’ll show you how to boost productivity and generate creative ideas through effective team meetings.

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Millennials are half the workforce, Gen-Z is rolling in, jobs are dynamic and wages are shrinking. Here’s how to be a great manager in a modern workplace.

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